Environmental Camps For Conservation Awareness (ECCA)
ECCA has initiated a Light-for-all-initiative where kerosine lamps are being replaced by solar ones. From 1987 until 2010 it has promoted smokeless mud stoves in Nepal and since 2011 ECCA is promoting metallic robust "environ fit" stoves.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building
Other Organizational Expertise
ECCA works primarily in the followings sectors: Environment and Natural Resource Management, Education for Sustainable Development, Promotion of Appropriate and Renewable Technology, Poverty Alleviation, Advocacy and Culture and Heritage.;ECCA has been a leading organization in the sector of social mobilization and community development. It implements various programs to raise the quality of life through wise-use of local resources and application of alternate and renewable technologies.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
All projects are based in various regions in Nepal. The target group are mainly rural populations but there are also a lot of projects in KTM-valley. ECCA works mainly through the concept of youth nature clubs which are established in various schools.
ECCA has experiences in promotion of different types of cooking stoves and in social mobilization. It has an existing network for the promotion of clean energy in Nepal. But ECCA is always searching for new partners to cooperate with and for new products.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
Wise-use House, Jwagol, Kopundol, Lalitpur
P. O. Box 9210
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Yogendra Chitrakar
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