Climate & Clean Air Coalition Policy Dialogue – Black Carbon
The CCAC's Scientific Advisory Panel will host its second day of its second Science Policy Dialogue on Tuesday, 29 September 2020, under the theme “Catalyzing 2030 Mitigation Ambition – Black Carbon.”
This event will bring together scientists, policymakers, practitioners, and regulators to review black carbon emissions reduction potentials and the ways black carbon mitigation can be leveraged to drive ambitious action this decade.
Discussions will focus on the opportunities and barriers for mitigating global emissions of black carbon consistent with a 1.5C pathway by 2030.
This is the second dialogue organized by the CCAC's Scientific Advisory Panel in 2020. The first dialogue, on 22 June, focused on mitigation opportunities for methane.
Registration using the link below to participate in the question and answer sessions. If you do not plan to participate, you can watch a live stream of the event on YouTube. More details about the event will be added to this page soon.
14:30 | Welcome and Instructions
- Helena Molin Valdes, Head of CCAC Secretariat
14: 35 | The latest science on black carbon. What have we learned since 2012 and where are we going?
- Drew Shindell, Duke University
14:50 | Session 1 – Black Carbon-Rich Sources: Opportunities and Challenges
This session will focus on black carbon rich sources and measures where we have a high-degree of confidence they will deliver near-term climate and air quality benefits (e.g. diesel engines).
Markus Amann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) (TBC)
·Graciela Binimelis de Raga, Professor, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Mr. Ai Yi, Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (pre-recorded video)
Mauricio Gaitán, Coordinator of the Urban Environmental Management Group, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia
Francisco Posada, Senior Researcher, International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
Yewande Awe, Sr. Environmental Engineer, World Bank
Benjamin A. Brida, National SLCPs and CCAC related activities Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Côte d'Ivoire (TBC)
15:40 | Session 2 – Other BC Sources: Opportunities and Challenges
This session will address sources of black carbon which 1) have a high organic carbon/black carbon ratio and less clear near-term global climate benefits, and 2) sources of CO2 and PM2.5 but little black carbon.
- Johan Kuylenstierna, Research Leader, Stockholm Environment Institute (moderator)
- Drew Shindell, Professor, Duke University
- Thailand (TBC)
- Abraham Ortínez, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Pam Pearson, International Cryosphere Climate Initiative
- International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) (TBC)
- Thomas Damassa, Senior Manager, Climate Change and Energy, Oxfam
16:35 | Session 3 – Public Health and Clean Air Commitments: Opportunities and Challenges
This session will focus on national, regional, and global efforts to address air pollution as a development and public health imperative. What is the CCAC’s role in supporting these efforts in a way that is consistent with near-term climate objectives?
- Joseph Alcamo, Professor, University of Sussex and former UNEP Chief Scientist (TBC)
- Michael Brauer, Professor, University of British Colombia
- Daniel Benefor, Senior Programme Officer, Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana
- Republic of Korea (TBC)
- Patrick Bueker, Air Pollution Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Nathalie Roebbel, World Health Organization
- Anna Engleryd, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
- Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate, IKEA