Women’s Empowerment

The Importance of Women’s Involvement in Clean Cooking

To ensure that an investment-ready pipeline of clean cooking companies sets the foundation for an inclusive industry, women must be a part of the process. To date, women remain an underutilized asset in achieving this goal. Moreover, lack of access to clean cooking disproportionately affects women and girls, limiting their ability to participate and benefit equally in the economy and society.

To address this challenge, CCA is committed to advancing the professional talent and business trajectory of women entrepreneurs and employees in the sector, widening the space for applying a gender-lens across interventions, and strengthening the evidence on how clean cooking improves women’s lives.

Read CCA’s Gender Factsheet

Gender-Focused Research and Advocacy

CCA continues to build the evidence base for how clean cooking solutions positively impact women’s lives, and why clean cooking should be prioritized within the global development agenda.

Read CCA’s Women Energizing Change Series

CCA’s Women in Clean Cooking Mentorship Program

CCA’s “Women in Clean Cooking” (WICC) mentorship program, launched in 2020, supports women across Africa and Asia, connecting senior professionals to serve as mentors and deliver a positive impact to more junior women in the sustainable energy sector.

Read about the mentorship program