Film Screening: Death by a Thousand Cuts
In the new documentary Death by a Thousand Cuts, the brutal murder of a Dominican Park Ranger becomes the metaphor for a larger story of increasing tension between Haiti and the Dominican Republic over illicit charcoal exploitation and mass deforestation. With stunning cinematography, the film investigates the circumstances of the ranger's death and the systematic eradication of the Dominican forests.
The original, longer version of the film will be screened in Washington, D.C., on July 27 as part of the city's Environmental Film Festival. The screening Washington D.C. will be held on July 27th at 6:00pm at the Inter-American Development Bank with partners from the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo, FUNGLODE. Following the screening of this 73 minute flim, there will also be a discussion with the filmmakers Jake Kheel, Juan Mejia Botero, and Ben Selkow who put four years of their lives into making this film.
Seats are on a first-come-first-served basis. There will be no reserved seats. Ticket reservations can be made here:
A version of the film will appear this winter on Univision, the largest Spanish-language TV network in the United States, and on Pivot, a network owned by Participant Media.