First International Standards Meeting for ISO Technical Committee 285 for Clean Cookstoves and Clean Cooking Solutions
ARCHIVE: The first meeting of ISO TC 285 will take place 10-14 February in Nairobi, Kenya at the Heron Portico Hotel. All National Bodies who plan to send delegations to the meeting are invited to offer a 15 minute presentation on national activities surround Cookstoves and Cookstoves standards. National delegations are requested to submit these presentations to the TC 285 Secretaries, Mr. Zacharia Lukorito ( and Ms Sally Seitz ( no later than 30 December 2013. While many National Bodies had submitted official delegates lists for the November meeting, we must ask that these lists be submitted again as delegations may have changed due to date change. Please submit all delegates lists to the TC 285 Secretaries no later than 10 January 2014.
This first meeting will focus on committee organization and structure, a review of comments received on the ISO TS/P and feature technical discussions based on the ISO IWA 11:2012, Guidelines for evaluating cookstove performance. It is intended that this first meeting will last five days. A meeting announcement, logistics package and draft agenda will be circulated to ISO TC 285 members in the near future.
As per ISO procedures, any full member of ISO may join TC 285 at any point, and Correspondent and Subscriber members may join TC 285 as one of the five committees they may participate in. Interested
National Bodies should communicate their intent to participate via email to
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Committee WEB LINK click here.
To see the original announcement regarding the postponed event.