Webinar: Cooking with Ethanol: Benefits, Key Challenges, Lessons Learned
Register here for the Winrock and U.S. EPA “Cooking with Ethanol: Benefits, key challenges, and lessons learned” webinar on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 10:00am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Speakers from Project Gaia Inc., Green Social Bioethanol, CLEANCOOK, and Stockholm Environment Institute will present an overview of ethanol as a practical cooking fuel and the stove technologies and their evolution. The webinar will also provide details on the main challenges and lessons learned, including micro and macro scale ethanol production, and policy and socio economic barriers.
Over the last ten years, organizations like Project Gaia Inc. and its partners have been promoting clean cookstoves that are powered by ethanol, and have worked to help communities become energy independent by establishing locally-owned microdistilleries and sustainable commercial models. Project Gaia has been instrumental in developing and carrying out the longest documented ethanol fuel cooking project, in UNHCR refugee camps in Ethiopia, among many other commercial and humanitarian ethanol promotion efforts, all of which have yielded important lessons for the sector.
Webinar participation is free. For the web portion, a high-speed internet connection is required. Please note that the webinar technology allows attendees to listen to audio through their computer or by phone. Additional log-in information will be provided upon registration.
For more information on this webinar, please contact: moderator@cookstovesandindoorair.org
Winrock & U.S. EPA Cook Stoves and Indoor Air
Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)