Webinar: LDI Africa Fellowship
Please join the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves on Friday, February 19, 2016 at 8:30 AM Eastern US Time (13:30 UTC/GMT) for a webinar to showcase capacity building partner the LDI Africa Fellowship, which uses pro-bono consulting (provided by LDI Fellows) to support and position emerging African businesses on the path of sustainable growth. LDI is currently seeking for-profit and non-profit organizations across Africa to host and benefit from the expertise of Spring 2016 Fellows. Join this webinar for an interactive session to learn more about the LDI Africa Fellowship program, how it works, and how you can apply for a Fellow at your organization for Spring 2016.
Fellow Profile – LDI Fellows are industry leaders in finance, management, non-profit, technology, and education. For this cohort, many Fellows are mid-level business and development leaders, including employees of US companies like IBM, Deliotte, and McKinsey who are taking a year of sabbatical to participate in the program. For more information about Fellows, please visit www.ldiafrica.org/pages/emerging-internship-fellowship-program-africa.
Host Requirements – The program operates on a cost share model, meaning both the partner organization and LDI Africa absorb the program costs. Typically the host organization is responsible for a USD $20,000 payment to host the Fellow for one year and additionally provides housing and local transportation when public transportation is not accessible to the location. LDI Africa is responsible for the Fellow’s compensation, including travel costs, work visa, medical insurance, trainings and ongoing support for the entire year.
For partners of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the cost to host a LDI Fellow has been discounted to USD $3,000. Organizations are still responsible for absorbing the direct costs of the Fellows placed to serve with them, which includes local housing and transportation, and food. For more information about LDI Africa please visit www.ldiafrica.org
John-Ubong Silas, LDI Africa Fellowship
Amit Antony Alex, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Discussant)
Instructions for joining the webinar:
Join online at https://www-na1.globalmeet.com/w/pub/entry?hcid=2542564&sc=1078&pc=9749723246&role=0&loc=EN
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For those who are not able to join on the date of the webinar, a recording will be made available on the Alliance’s YouTube channel.