Call for Expressions of Interests: Local Stove Production Enterprises in Kenya (Window II)
Opportunity name: Call for Expressions of Interests: Local Stove Production Enterprises in Kenya (Window II)
Funder: GCF, EnDev
Geographic Location: Kenya
Contract Value: ~ EUR 12,500 per enterprise
Due Date: April 1, 2022
Summary: The project titled “Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking: Kenya and Senegal”, implemented by EnDev, aims to professionalize local stove production processes by providing business development support, cookstove hardware, and technical assistance to local enterprises. Window 2 of this project targets small-scale Kenyan enterprises with a focus on improved biomass stoves. Interested enterprises should first register for initial regional workshops that will occur between January and April 2022. Registrations are processed on a rolling basis, and only those who participate in the workshops will be eligible to respond to the EOI. Enterprises that have participated in Window 1 of the project are not eligible.