RFQ: ISO Stove Testing (CCA)
Request for Quotation
Due: 11:00am EST November 15th, 2021
ISO Stove Testing
The United Nations Foundation’s Clean Cooking Alliance is seeking quotations for service from qualified testing laboratories to perform ISO 19867-1:2018; Harmonized Laboratory Test Protocols; Part 1: Standard test sequence for emissions and performance, safety and durability, and report the findings according to 19867-1:2018; Harmonized Laboratory Test Protocols; Part 3: Voluntary performance targets for cookstoves based on laboratory testing.
Background of Organization
The Clean Cooking Alliance works with a global network of partners to build an inclusive industry that makes clean cooking accessible to the three billion people who live each day without it. Established in 2010, CCA is driving consumer demand, mobilizing investment to build a pipeline of scalable businesses, and fostering an enabling environment that allows the sector to thrive. Clean cooking transforms lives by improving health, protecting the climate and the environment, empowering women, and helping families save time and money.
Please view the full application and submission form here.
Submission instructions: Please submit this document and any attachments by email to ederby@cleancooking.org and slloyd@cleancooking.org by November 15th, 2021.