Aggregator Fund to help import eCooking Appliances into Uganda
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), Government of Uganda, and Loughborough University through the MECS Programme are collaborating to scale up Electric Cooking (eCooking) interventions in Uganda, under a new programme.
Through the activities outlined in this tender we aim to enable support for Uganda-based eCooking appliance distributors who are currently unable to benefit from the economies of scale possible through bulk orders from appliance manufacturers. The aim is to increase the availability and choice of eCooking appliances in Uganda, strengthening the supply chain, diversifying the market, supporting customers with access to affordable appliances.
We are looking for a financial service provider (FSP) to work with a portfolio of organisations who are able to import ecooking appliances at scale (a minimum of 10,000 units over the 15 months of the project). The Fund should be designed as a revolving fund, to work in phases. This scope of services covers phase 1 in detail. For phase 2 onwards MECS and MEMD will work with the successful FSP to undertake minor or major adjustments in the design of the Fund based on the lessons and knowledge gained during phase 1.
The tender is open to any suitably qualified organisation from Uganda or the East Africa Region. The source of funding for this work is overseas aid funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Organisation – Uganda. Preference will therefore be given to organisations with registered offices in Uganda.
To learn more and submit a tender, click here.