What to Expect in This Year’s Results Report
Each year, based on data supplied by partners, manufacturers, and distributors from around the world, the Alliance compiles a report that tracks self-reported progress and growth in the cookstoves and fuels sector. This annual “Results Report,” which is one part of a broader monitoring and evaluation effort, offers a glimpse of the sector as a whole and provides an opportunity to measure our collective progress.
Manufacturing and distribution numbers are only one part of this ever-growing and multi-dimensional story. But they remain a key component. As the sector continues to grow, it presents new questions and a need to think more holistically about the supply chain, from production to access to adoption. Reflecting the evolution of the sector, the Alliance is approaching this year’s Results Report differently than in previous editions, including a simplified reporting process, as those who have already responded to the survey may have noticed.
As the sector grows, so have the number of factors influencing market development, and our monitoring efforts must now better reflect the realities of the sector. While this evolution may impact efforts to compare results from year to year, such elasticity in our monitoring efforts will ultimately provide us with stronger, more relevant figures over time. Another reflection of our new approach to the Results Report is that this year it will be included as part of the Alliance’s Annual Report, which is expected to be released in December of 2016, to complement the overall effort to share lessons learned, best practices, and trends everyone has been seeing in the global sector.
The Alliance would like to thank all of the partners who have shared their 2015 results, and we look forward to sharing the full report at the end of this year.