Patrimonio Natural
The Natural Heritage Fund (NHF) is a Colombian fund that invests strategically in the conservation of Colombia's natural areas and the services they provide. It is a public-private partnership led by the National Parks Administration and established as a non-profit foundation under Colombian law.
The Fund was created to address the challenges of financing the natural areas of Colombia by making strategic investments that will ensure conservation success.
The Natural Heritage Fund's founding members are the Colombian National Parks Administration, the "Alexander Von Humboldt" Biological Resources Research Institute, the Colombian Network of Private
Nature Reserves, Fundación Natura, the Centre for Research in Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems (CIPAV), the Association of Regional Autonomous Corporations (ASOCARS), and the Javeriana Pontifical University.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment
Other Organizational Expertise
Making strategies investments For the Natural Heritage Fund, strategic investments to preserve the natural heritage of the country must be efficient, effective, and sustainable. Efficient® in the management and use of funds. Effective by funding the best technical solutions possible that produce conservation results of the magnitude required (great problems require structural solutions), and Sustainable® because they build upon partnerships, strengthen institutional capacities, and are aligned with broader national policies. How do we do it? Project design and management: We create projects that strengthen our partner organizations and ensure successful conservation outcomes; we establish precise and transparent management processes and results-oriented monitoring of donor resources. Design and implementation of economic and financial instruments and mechanisms: We develop economic and financial mechanisms that bring more resources and greater stability to the conservation of natural areas. These market instruments help our economy to value nature's goods and services in our daily lives and allow us to prosper by encouraging strategic investments in our natural heritage. ® Design and management of technical proposals to improve conservation finance policies: We generate technical proposals that aid decision-making about environmental and sectoral policies to help finance the conservation of the natural areas in Colombia ® Our way of working Together with our public and private partners, we promote fieldwork practices that help make interventions in natural areas more sustainable, always thinking in the long term. ® We do this with: Best practices in administration and finance to strengthen our partners while ensuring the best results in conservation. Knowledge generation in technical, administrative, and management areas that inform conservation finance policies. Partnerships linking communities, institutions, and the government to harmonize initiatives and investments.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.)
Clean Cooking Activities
Currently, Natural Heritage is one of the environmental NGOs developing clean cookstoves initiatives in Colombia on the locally and regionally.
The Natural Heritage: Fund for Biodiversity and Protected Areas can participate contributing to the goals of the Global Alliance by the development of clean cookstoves initiatives associated to conservation strategies implemented in the Colombian territory. Also Natural Heritage its a key partner for the development of ® the clean cookstoves market in the country.®
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
Calle 72 No 12-65
Edificio Skandia 6th Floor
Bogota, Bogota 1101
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Alberto Galan
Title: Director
Phone: 57 (1)7562602
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mrs. Ines Cavelier
Title: Conservation Landscapes Coordinator
Phone: 57 3124579629
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