Rural agency for Sustainable Development (RASD)
Our mission is to provide local communities with clean, efficient, and affordable cooking and heating options in order to reduce indoor pollution and improve the kitchen environment.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
RASD focuses on community health and environment through renewable energies (solar, biomass, biogas-human and animal) and sustainable technologies (affordable water supply technology, food security and value addition in the market chain, transport, improved cook stoves, low-cost building materials). With little expertise in these areas, RASD has opted to put emphasis on training and capacity building through partnerships with indigenous organizations.
The Resource Center has a solar power unit that provides part of the energy used at the center's internet cafe. Our main target is the rural off grid people. RASD also builds affordable water filtration systems.
We will make partnerships with other agencies in modification, improvement, or what so ever to realize our dream of a clean, efficient, affordable and safe cooking stoves so as to reduce indoor pollution.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
P.O.BOX 50
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Ignitius Bwoogi
Title: Executive Director
Phone: 256 772 923 712
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