Planning for Sustainable Biofuel Industries
Currently, bioenergy (energy from bio-based sources) provides 13-14% of the total global energy consumption. Modern bioenergy is expected to meet at least 15% energy demand in Net Zero Scenario of IEA. In this context, sugar sector value chain in developing countries has become significant. Sugar cane, apart being feedstock for sugar production, is also can supply energy and number of other valuable products including ethanol. Sugar cane is thus a valuable crop for developing countries in reducing dependence of imported fossil fuels for their energy needs both in electricity and transport sectors.
The concept of Biorefinery holds the potential to transform various biomass resources into a wide range of valuable products, including electricity, biofuels, bioplastics, biochemicals, and more. Biorefineries have a pivotal role towards reducing our dependence on fossil fuel resources and mitigating the environmental impacts of traditional industries. Biorefinery is an important tool to ensure transition from a linear economy to a Circular Economy (CE).
In the above context, the Council on Ethanol Clean Cooking (CECC) together with LNBR/CNEPM (Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory/ Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials) are organizing a webinar on the concept of biorefineries and the significance of sustainability assessments as well as planning for sugar and biofuel industries.
Purpose of the Webinar
The purpose of this webinar is to share successful experiences of Brazil’s sugar and ethanol industry—one of the major sugar cane producer in the world. The webinar will introduce the concepts of biorefineries, circular economy and sustainable planning principle for biofuels sector development.
To register for the webinar, click here.