Results Based Finance: Measuring + Valuing Co-Benefits
November 11-12, 2014, Singapore
Nexus Carbon for Development, in collaboration with The Gold Standard Foundation, will hold a conference on Results Based Finance focusing on innovative financing mechanisms and measuring development impacts.
This 2-day conference will bring together investors, donors, business and nonprofit leaders eager to find innovative and powerful finance mechanisms such as Results Based Financing to support climate and development organizations.
Here are some thought-provoking content we are going to cover:
Discussion on the state of development finance, investigating the success and examining the gaps.
- Matching of public/private sector interests and project developer needs: How can they team up to facilitate new finance mechanisms such as Results Based Finance? And how are risks valued and allocated among those partners?
- Why Measuring, Reporting and Verifying impacts is one of the key success factors of a Results Based Finance approach?
- Can Results-based finance tackle the challenges of communicating sustainability?
This event will also provide a platform for the public and private sector to interact with project developers.
Day 1 of #IFSD2014 conference is packed with high-level discussions on the state and future for Results based Financing mechanisms to maximize economic and social benefits of climate and development projects. The day shall open with an introduction to the basics of Results Based Financing (RBF) in Mobilizing funding for development impacts: Results Based Financing 101, followed by a discussion on the advantages that RBF have over conventional mechanism in Pushing the Envelope: Untapped potential for monetizing Impacts.
The afternoon session starts with an investigation into The Importance of Rigorous Monitoring and Reporting and ends with an analysis on the re-allocation of risks amongst stakeholders present in RBF approach with Managing Risks in Results Based Finance approach.
NEXUS 5th Anniversary
Nexus is turning 5! Come celebrate with us after the first day of the #IFSD2014 conference for a special cocktail/networking session. To register, just indicate that you would wish to attend the Cocktail event during registration.
Day 2 will focus on the roles and expectations of the stakeholders involved in a Results-based finance approach. Connecting the dots: Who finances what stage in project development kickstarts the day with an interactive session on how different investor profiles fits into a development project cycle. The respective roles of Governmental Agencies, Corporate Philanthrophy, Impact Investors and Family Offices have in the RBF approach shall be explored during the breakout sessions before the late lunch.
A networking/matchmaking session is scheduled after lunch to help participants establish valuable contacts within the industry. This session will also be an opportunity for project Developers to showcase their project.
The registration fee will all proceeds to cover the costs of the event. Your ticket includes entrance to all sessions for 1 day or 2 days as well as coffee-breaks, lunch and the evening cocktail.