Save the date: Guatemala Country Action Planning Workshop on Clean Cooking
March 5-6, 2014 – Antigua, Guatemala
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) in collaboration with the World Bank, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, and the Guatemalan Cluster of Improved Cookstoves and Clean Fuels, invite you to save the date for a Guatemala County Action Planning workshop on clean cooking solutions. This workshop will build upon ongoing collaboration with the Guatemalan government, incorporate the perspectives of non-governmental stakeholders, and consolidate a locally-driven process to:
Draft a Country Action Plan. Workshop participants will work together to provide input into a draft Country Action Plan that:
o Identifies key barriers to the adoption of clean cooking solutions at scale and potential intervention options for addressing those barriers.
o Incorporates government strategies and partner roles.
o Describes the specific role the Alliance and its partners can play in implementing interventions that are currently not receiving sufficient focus or resources. Amongst others, explores activities towards an investment prospectus for universal access to clean cooking by 2030 as part of the UN Sustainable Energy for All Initiative.
Design a way forward. Participants will discuss how to refine, finalize, and implement the Country Action Plan and develop a timeline for the post-workshop process.
For information: