- Reduce indoor pollution in rural areas through the design and development of environmentally friendly cooking solutions and the promotion of biomass cookstoves.
- Strengthen the independence vis-a-vis of fuel sources for cooking in rural areas through the development of local processes for biomass conversion into fuel for cooking.
- Promote clean environment by recycling metal scraps in the production of biomass cookstoves.
- Innovate on the adaptability of ecological cooking solutions in rural areas based on available local resources.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Climate/Environment, Lab or Field Testing, Livelihoods, Research, Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Crop residues, Pellets / Briquettes, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
Rhenko works in the design and development of cookstoves prototypes primarily using biomass as fuel source. Because these solutions are designed for rural areas, Rhenko performs research on the adaptability of these solutions based on local resources available in each locality. For convenience, we work on the basis of existing traditional models to ensure rapid adoption among users, this due to a perception of familiarity by these users. As the fuel source is problematic and considering the strong dependence on some specific fuel sources in rural areas (woods, dung, crop residues, palm nut shells, etc), Rhenko is also studying local processes that will enable to easily transform and at lower cost the biomass into fuel source for cookstoves. The goal is to create affordable prototypes that can be acquired by every family in rural areas in order to turn their own biomass into fuel for cookstove. Rhenko through its projects is also aiming to promote local talent by working on these projects with local engineers.
Rhenko would like to participate in this partnership in an exchange perspective in order to have opening for improvements of its developed solutions and also to discuss with others members current projects with great conceptual challenges; since our goal above all is to provide assistance to people in rural areas by finding solutions adapted to their environment, we believe that a platform like this will help us in an exchange process of ideas and this can enable us to overcome some obstacles we faced in our modeling phases. We want to actively participate in any initiative to develop projects within the scope of the environmental improvement of rural areas.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
23 Railton Court
London, Ontario N5V 4Y2
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Nicolas Youmbi Kodji
Phone: +1 (416) 357-3741
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