CARE International in Vietnam
CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome, and people live in dignity and security.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods, Marketing, Microfinance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Crop residues
Clean Cooking Activities
CARE in Vietnam is interested in clean cooking as it relates to our core mandate to support women's empowerment, poverty reduction and climate change mitigation.
CARE has implemented a number of clean cookstoves in Africa and across the globe (eg. Progam in support of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables - WPower, Community-assisted Access to Sustainable Energy in Rwanda -CASE). In Vietnam, CARE work address the rural energy problems and soil degradation, and contribute to national policies on poverty reduction, climate change mitigation, deforestation and rural development. CARE in Vietnam has tested biochar stove-cum-soil enrichment technology in the Northern Mountainous areas and works in partnership with others to scale up clean cookstove in Vietnam.
This partnership is a great opportunity for CARE in Vietnam to exchange experience and share learning on clean cookstoves and its associated climate and development issues.
CARE can bring in its rich experiences in inclusive value chain, women's empowerment and act as a intermediary amongst NGOs, government, private sector and communities. CARE in Vietnam is committed to driving a sustainable clean cookstove market in Vietnam.
Regions Operating In
East Asia and Pacific
Country Based In
9th Floor, CDC Building, Le Dai Hanh Street
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Nga Ha Thi Quynh
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