Estimating Kitchen PM2.5 and CO Concentrations from Chimney Plancha Stove Emissions
Researchers at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) combined stove and kitchen environment data from the field, emissions data from the lab, and modeling to estimate kitchen concentrations of key pollutants from commonly used plancha stoves in Mexico. The lab data included both chimney and fugitive emissions, allowing a clear separation of pollutants that remain in the home from those that are expelled outside of the home. The kitchen environment data, including kitchen volume, air exchange rates, and cooking time, were taken from the field to represent a typical rural household in Central Mexico. Based on these data, the researchers modeled fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide concentrations in homes resulting from cooking. All tested stoves met the WHO interim indoor air quality guidelines for average annual PM2.5 concentrations and for average 24-hour CO concentrations.