Modern Kitchen – Bangladesh
With support from the Clean Cooking Alliance, the Social Marketing Company and Purplewood scaled up a clean cooking BCC pilot campaign, Modern Stove, from 2017 to 2018 in 16 districts in Bangladesh. Building on formative research, which revealed that appearing “modern” was a strong driver of demand for clean cooking, the campaign employed the tagline: “Times have changed, change your kitchen.” The campaign used multiple channels, including interpersonal communication (street theatre, household visits, and stove fairs), mass media (radio ads and mobile cinema), outdoor media (billboards and rickshaw signs), and mobile advertising (social media). In addition, men were a primary target of the behavior change messaging due to their influential role on household spending. In total, over 1.6 million people were reached by the campaign, and evaluation results indicated that exposure to the campaign was linked to an increased awareness of cleaner cooking options by 25 fold among the target population.
The campaign targeted men and women with different messages. For women, campaign messages emphasized that kitchens don’t need to be “dramp and dreary,” while reinforcing the idea among men that a responsible husband would ensure his wife and family were healthy. SMC also served as distribution stockists for cleaner cookstoves and fuels. As part of this effort, SMC trained 300 female SMC community sales agents on the features of clean cookstoves. These agents are trusted members of their communities and have been selling other health focused products on behalf of SMC. The campaign also engaged local government officials to ensure their buy-in and support for the community-based activities.
Campaign Facts
- The campaign’s 4 theater events and 6 film shows advanced the idea that a “modern” man could support his family by purchasing a clean stove.
- Nearly 90,000 households were reached through door-to-door communication channels.
- In collaboration with stove manufacturers, the campaign organized 8 traveling fairs to demonstrate clean cooking technologies.
- The campaign interacted with 1.2 million potential consumers face-to-face.
Modern Kitchen Transforming Our Kitchens Video
Modern Kitchen Product Brochure
Modern Kitchen Poster Design 1
Modern Kitchen Poster Design 2
Modern Kitchen Poster Design 3
Modern Kitchen Stage, Drama, and Product Banners
Modern Kitchen Traveling Fair Banner
Modern Kitchen Fair Stall Name Tag
Modern Kitchen Campaign Theme Song
Modern Kitchen Hanging Banner – Community Sales Agent (CSA)
Modern Kitchen Hanging Banner – Elder Brother
Modern Kitchen Hanging Banner – Modern Fuel
Modern Kitchen Hanging Banner – Modern Stove
Modern Kitchen Hanging Banner – Younger Brother’s Wife