VERC Improved Cookstove Program in Bangladesh
VERC, a non governmental organization created in 1977, works with the poorest people in Bangladesh for the improvement of their everyday life by promoting self reliance. VERC has been working on their ICS program since 1987. It formed a national network, “Improved Cookstoves Program in Bangladesh,” in 2000 with the support of ARECOP-Indonesia. The Network involves 93 NGOs working across 28 districts in the country and has a 17-member Executive Committee led by VERC. The focus of the Network is to build up capacity of the Network Organizations as well as community people and popularize ICS through meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, film screenings, etc. IEC materials such as posters, leaflets, magazines and video films are developed and distributed among the stakeholders. Seed money or small initiative fund are awarded to support the extension of ICS activities in new areas and to encourage innovation of sustainable approaches. Through the Network, approximately 42000 improved cookstoves have been installed, 20 demonstration canters have been established, and 864 staff and community members have been oriented on ICS technologies.
Objectives and Strategy
Improving Cookstoves for Reducing Indoor Air Pollution: VERC Experience from Bangladesh