ASHES Science to Achieve Results Webinar Series – #1
Cookstove Emissions, Climate, and Health Impacts: An Integrated Lab, Field, and Modeling Study
Date: January 14, 2021
Time: 8:00 am – 9:30 am (MST) / 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (UTC)
Register Here
Reason for concern: 3.8 billion people (49% of the global population) still rely on traditional energy sources to support household needs such as cooking, heating, and lighting. Due to this, household air pollution is a top-ten risk factor for global morbidity and mortality.
This webinar will provide a summary of research findings from STAR Grant RD83543801 “Quantifying the climate, air quality and health benefits of improved cookstoves: An integrated laboratory, field and modeling study” and related, ongoing research at Colorado State University.
The study featured a unique approach to integrate multi-level laboratory and field emissions testing and exposure monitoring that fed into indoor exposure and global air quality and climate models. Field measurements were conducted, with the support of local partners, in China, India, Kenya, and Honduras. Join us to gain insights on the implications of study results to improve air quality management decisions and climate evaluation.
Webinar participation is free. For the webinar, a high-speed internet connection is required. Please note that the webinar technology allows attendees to listen to audio through their computer or by phone. Additional log-in information will be provided upon registration.
Register for the January 14th webinar
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