Changing Behavior Webinar Series: Creating Lasting Behavior Change Through Customer Loyalty
Convincing BoP clients to try a new and beneficial product such as a clean cookstove, and even to invest in buying it, does not ensure that they will keep using it and reap the corresponding benefits over the long term. In this webinar, Hystra and BURN Manufacturing will explore mechanisms that help ensure customers’ loyalty and motivate regular product use, inspired by global best practices in the cookstove industry and beyond.
This webinar is part of a three-part series “Changing Behavior: Frameworks and Approaches to Strengthen BoP Markets” hosted by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance), Practical Action, Hystra, and BoP Innovation Center. Consisting of three distinct sessions, presenters will discuss insights, learnings, and successful case studies of changing behavior around the purchase and adoption of household products among BoP consumers. This series is an initiative of the Global Distributors Collective (GDC), a consortium of organizations led by Practical Action that is working to strengthen and scale the capacity of last mile distributors to reach the world’s poor with life-saving and life-changing products. Improving the affordability, accessibility, and awareness of products for last mile consumers are critical to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “Changing Behavior” will explore specific frameworks, approaches, and the role of practitioners, enterprises, researchers, and market builders in transforming consumer product markets and household outcomes by empowering consumers with actionable information and enabling sustainable behavior change. Presenters will also provide applicable learnings for the global clean cookstoves and fuels sector.
Date/Time: Februrary 15th, 2018 at 8:00 AM EST/2:00 PM Paris Time/4:00 PM East Africa Time
Register here.
Lucie Klarsfeld, Hystra
Steve Rudner, BURN Manufacturing
Moderator: Kavanaugh Livingston, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves