GBEP E-Learning webinar: BiogasDoneRight® – A systemic view
The Global Bioenergy Partnership is pleased to invite you to the first e-learning webinar hosted by the Activity Group 7 (AG7) of the Working Group on Capacity Building (WGCB) on Biogas on Monday 15 April 2019, 14:00 – 15:15 CEST/8:00 AM – 9:15 AM EST.
The webinar will present and explain ‘BiogasDoneRight®’, a model for agricultural biogas based on the use of feedstocks that do not compete with food or fodder crops.
• 14:00-14:05 CEST
Welcome to the webinar and introduction of the speaker – Maria Michela Morese, Executive Secretary of GBEP, FAO
• 14:05-14:50 CEST
Presentation of the BiogasDoneRight® model – Professor Bruce Dale, Michigan State University
• 14:50-15:10 CEST
Questions and open discussion – moderated by Constance Miller, GBEP Secretariat, FAO
• 15:10-15:15 CEST
Closing remarks – Constance Miller, GBEP Secretariat, FAO
Presenter: Dr. Bruce E. Dale
Professor Dale received his bachelor’s (summa cum laude) and master’s degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Arizona and the doctorate from Purdue University in 1979. Dr. Dale is currently University Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Michigan State University. He serves as Editor in Chief and Founding Editor of the journal Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. He won the Charles D. Scott Award (1996) for contributions to biofuel production and the Sterling Hendricks Award (2007) for contributions to agriculture. Professor Dale was elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in 2011 and a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers in 2015. In 2017 he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Inventors. He has published over 300 archival journal papers and has received 63 US and international patents. His research interests are the relationships between energy use and prosperity and the design of integrated agroecosystems for producing sustainable fuels, chemicals, and food.
Please register your participation to the event by emailing with your name and affiliation. You can access the webinar in Adobe Connect by clicking here. Please enter the meeting room 10 minutes early in order to overcome technical problems and ensure a prompt start to the webinar.