NORCAP’s Green Shift Reports Launching Event
Are you interested in clean energy solutions in urban displacement? Blended finance solutions to include private sector in the humanitarian work? Or, what about ensuring green and clean electronic waste management in humanitarian settings?
Join NORCAP’s green shift report launch on 19 January 2022 at 14:00 Oslo time!
We know that a successful green shift is dependent on impact at scale. In 2021, we had some great achievements. But we have also experienced some key challenges that hamper progress, especially in localisation and bridging the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors – referred to as nexus. The discussions on ensuring a sustainable green shift at all levels of international intervention have never been more relevant. During the UN climate conference in Glasgow last year, it was evident that global investment in the green shift must be scaled up dramatically.
So, how do we succeed with the green shift? Join the event to learn more!
Join here. Meeting ID: 948 9951 4731 and Passcode: 621929