Partner Webinar: In-field black carbon emissions of liquid, gas, and high-performing biomass stoves
The Clean Cooking Alliance invites you to participate in a joint, live webinar with Alliance partners Climate & Clean Air Coalition, North Carolina State University, and Mountain Air Engineering on Wednesday, November 28th at 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This webinar, designed for new and existing partners, will examine the results of two research studies commissioned by the Clean Cooking Alliance and funded by the Climate & Clean Air Coalition to understand the in-field black carbon emissions from liquid, gas, and high-performing biomass stoves. This webinar will provide insights from two recently completed field studies in Nepal and Rwanda examining how higher performing stoves and fuels can potentially reduce the climate impacts from black carbon emissions.
- Donee Alexander, Phd, Senior Director of Evidence & Impact, Clean Cooking Alliance
- Yekbun Gurgoz, Finance & Household Energy Initiative Coordinator, Climate & Clean Air Coalition
- Ryan Thompson, Mountain Air Engineering
- Andrew Grieshop, PhD, North Carolina State University
- Katie Pogue, Manager of Environment & Climate, Clean Cooking Alliance