Policy Dialogue on Clean Cooking, Fuels and Technologies
The Energy Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission of Asia Pacific (UN ESCAP) will be holding a policy dialogue on 17 December 2020, 14:00 to 16:30 (Bangkok GMT+7), to discuss policies to accelerate the achievement of universal access to clean cooking fuels and technologies in the Asia-Pacific region and in particular, Sustainable Development Goal 7.1.
After nearly three decades of interventions, progress towards diffusion of clean fuels and technologies in developing countries is still slow. ESCAP has recently undertaken a detailed and rigorous meta-analysis of clean cooking research which has shown that many clean cooking programs are less effective when viewed over long timeframes, and that many households return to traditional biomass cooking for a range of reasons.
ESCAP’s work suggests that effective policy formulation should focus on improving efficiency of energy and fuel markets, driving innovation and industrialization through the establishment and growth of local manufacturing industries producing clean fuels and technologies. This can include mechanisms such as improving trade policies through subsidies/incentives/penalties to encourage fuel switching and phasing out of unsustainable fuels, coordinated national fuel purchasing and strengthening of socioeconomic programs to reduce energy poverty, social inclusion and gender equity.
This Policy Dialogue aims to obtain feedback on the research and to engage stakeholders from across the Asia-Pacific region in working towards solutions to the challenges of universal access to energy. International experts with deep sectoral experience implementing clean cooking solutions and policies will lead discussions profiling their relevant work and share insights with participants including:
- National and subnational policymakers responsible for energy portfolios
- Local governments and municipal officials with responsibilities in municipal waste management and resource recovery
- Policymakers in gender-, children- and poverty-related portfolios
- Civil society, researchers and academia
- Grassroots women and community-based organizations with an interest in clean cooking outcomes.
- Other stakeholders involved in SDG7-related goals
This meeting will be organized online on 17 December 2020 from 14:00 to 16:30 Bangkok time (GMT+7). A link to the virtual meeting will be emailed to all registered participants before the session..
Please register online at HERE by 15 December 2020.
For inquiries please contact Mr. David Ferrari: david.ferrari@un.org with Energy Division on copy: escap-energy@un.org