SE4ALL Consultation Workshop: Monitoring the Status of Asia-Pacific
14 June 2015 | Discovery Suites, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines
Asia and the Pacific is home to the majority of the world’s energy poor (more than 600 million without access to electricity and 1.8 billion without access to modern fuels); generates renewable energy that is only 12% of total primary energy supply1; and has the second highest energy intensity (218 koe per $1,000 GDP, 2005 PPP$)2. Much needs to be done to reach the SE4ALL goals, namely: (1) Ensuring universal access to modern energy services; (2) Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and (3) Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Progress should be tracked from
now to 2030 to ensure that the right amount of efforts are undertaken to achieve them.
The SE4ALL Regional Hub for Asia-Pacific—led by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)—will be monitoring the performance of the Asia-Pacific region through the SE4ALL status report. It seeks to look at country level accomplishments in meeting the SE4ALL goals as well as the overall performance of the region.
UN General Assembly declared 2014-2024 as Decade of Sustainable Energy for All underscoring the importance of energy issues for sustainable development and for the elaboration of post-2015 development agenda. The years 2014 and 2015 are dedicated to the energy-women-children-health nexus, thus the first installment will give focus on raising awareness about the benefits of modern
energy services to women and children, particularly on their health. The report will be published in September 2015, in time for the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations Summit.