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CCA Brings Clean Cooking to the SEforALL Forum
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and partners will be ensuring clean cooking is prioritized throughout the global energy event. The world will not achieve SDG7 without dramatically accelerating access to clean cooking.
The SEforALL Forum will highlight clean cooking prominently, including:
- In the Day 1 plenary: “Clean Cooking Must Be a Global Right”;
- In the CCA-hosted Clean Cooking Hub at the Forum Marketplace, which will include presentations, a technology expo, and live cooking demonstrations;
- At the launch of CCA’s 2022 Industry Snapshot on Day 2, providing an analysis of the investment and operational performance of dozens of clean cooking companies; and
- In numerous sessions and partner meetings throughout the event.
While not exhaustive, a schedule of expected clean cooking-related events is below.
Schedule of Events
(Central Africa Time)
Monday, May 16:
- All day: Humanitarian Energy Conference (Marriott Hotel)
Tuesday, May 17 (Day 1):
- All day: Clean Cooking Hub at the Marketplace, powered by CCA and MECS
- 14:15-15:00: Clean Cooking Industry Trends: Today and Tomorrow (Room AD10)
- 16:30-17:15: Scaling Finance: Equitable Transitions and Clean Cooking (Room MH1)
- 17:45 – 18:45: Closing Plenary: Clean Cooking Must Be a Global Right (Auditorium)
Wednesday, May 18 (Day 2):
- All day: Clean Cooking Hub at the Marketplace, powered by CCA and MECS
- 11:00-12:00: Leaders of Today & Tomorrow: Cross-Continental Cooperation for SDG7 (Auditorium Club)
- 12:15 – 13:00: #SDG7 Career Speed Networking (Auditorium Club)
- 12:15 – 13:00: Including Modern Energy Cooking in Energy Planning (Room AD12)
Thursday, May 19 (Day 3):
- All day: Clean Cooking Hub at the Marketplace, powered by CCA and MECS
- 10:15 – 11:00: Data-Led Innovation for Clean Cooking (Room AD12)
- 10:15 – 11:00: #YouthLead Roundtable (Auditorium Club)
- 11:30 – 12:15: Integrating Modern Cooking Solutions into Energy Planning (Room AD11)
- 14:00 – 17:30: Africa-Europe Foundation Meeting of the Women Leaders’ Network (Room AD7)
Please click here to see the Forum’s full program agenda. For more information on the Clean Cooking Hub or other activities, please email