US Biochar Conference
During eleven days in August (15 – 25), there are activities and meetings in Oregon, USA about char-making stoves and larger ways to make biochar. If travelling a long way, the sequence of events could help you when making your travel plans.
Information is at:
The annual Summer Stove Camp at Aprovecho and tri-annual US Biochar Initiative Conference will occur as separately-scheduled, yet consecutive events in Oregon during an eleven-day period in August of 2016. Please visit the links for both events, as each has its own registration and fee. Both events include special gatherings, as described below.
Summer Stove Camp (Aprovecho Research Center, Cottage Grove, Oregon)
15 – 19 August 2016
The Summer Stove Camp at Aprovecho is about stoves for developing societies, including stoves that make char. Dean Still and Aprovecho staff coordinate this event that features (among other things) actual technical quantitative testing of stove emissions and stove efficiencies. Paul “Dr TLUD” Anderson assists. Please seeSummer Stove Camp at Aprovecho for complete details, including registration.
In addition to the primary focus, there will be concurrent activities at the Stove Camp (lead by Dr TLUD and others) that focus on making char with appropriate, low-cost technology, especially with stoves. Note that this is preparatory for the two-day char production gathering (see next item). These activities could have a focus group working on issues of drying of feedstocks, including green (recently cut) wood and woodchips that have been rained upon.
Summer Stove Camp ends at noon on Friday (19 August 2016).
Char Production Gathering (Aprovecho Research Center, Cottage Grove, Oregon)
19 – 20 August 2016
Overlapping with the final hours of the Summer Stove Camp, a two-day gathering (also hosted at Aprovecho) will be held to focus on char production with appropriate technology for developing “farm-size” units costing much less than $5000, including TLUD CookStoves and barrel-size char-makers. Dr TLUD and others will conduct this.
Potential Sunday Activities (Locations Near Cottage Grove or Corvallis, Oregon)
21 August 2016
Potential Sunday activities are not yet determined — they depend on the initiatives of the possible participants or small groups. These activities will NOT be officially sponsored (therefore without insurance or open registration, etc.). Examples COULD include a river-side picnic, a canoe outing, a drive to the Oregon coastline, scenic mountain drive or hike. Perhaps some “Oregonians” could offer some suggestions (using the two Listservs — see sidebar). Details are likely to be made available here as plans become known.
Pre-Conference Activities (Campus of Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon)
22 August 2016
The USBI Conference opening reception occurs in the evening. Pre-conference (morning and afternoon) activities include two workshops described at Workshops – Biochar 2016 (visit link).
US Biochar Initiative Conference (Campus of Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon)
22 – 25 August 2016
Please see US Biochar Initiative Conference for complete details, including registration. Note that Tuesday and Wednesday are filled with presentations, panels, etc. about all aspects of biochar. The topic of biochar PRODUCTION WITH LOW-COST EQUIPMENT is only a small part of the USBI conference, but is the major focus (with hands-on experience) of the biochar-related Aprovecho activities (described above), so there will not be much duplication between the events.