Webinar: Achieving Climate Goals Through Clean Cooking
This webinar provides country governments with guidance on how to use cooking energy interventions to achieve climate goals, as part of their NDC targets or to create tradable assets under the Article 6 framework. The content was designed primarily for countries that have included household energy or clean cooking related goals in their NDC.
- Provide national governments with evidence and guidance on how best to articulate, plan, and meet the cooking-related goals in their NDCs to access opportunities for implementation support and potential funding.
- Show how broad NDC goals for adjacent sectors can provide a mandate for countries interested in addressing clean cooking but without specific cooking targets in their NDCs.
- Offer considerations for program design and implementation, as well as measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) for clean cooking initiatives.
This event was hosted by the Clean Cooking & Climate Consortium (4C), a newly formed partnership led by the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) that includes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), and Berkeley Air Monitoring Group.
The event materials, including the webinar slides and recordings are available below in English, French, and Spanish. Please reach out to climate@cleancooking.org with any questions related to this event.
Webinar Materials