Webinar: Cookstoves and REDD+: Understanding woodfuel’s impact on tropical forests
Topic: Cookstoves and REDD+: Understanding woodfuel’s impact on tropical forests
When: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 10:00 EDT/4:00pm CEST
What: Woodfuel is a vital source of energy for an estimated two and a half billion people in developing countries. A recent study from Climate Focus highlights that woodfuel emissions are equivalent to around a quarter of gross emissions from deforestation and that these can be mitigated through a combination of supply and demand-side interventions. There are clear forest-related benefits arising from the use of clean cookstoves and similarly REDD+ is increasingly aiming to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.
Hear the presenters talk about the benefits and challenges of developing closer alignment between the REDD+ and clean cookstoves and fuels:
Rob Bailis, Yale University
Charlie Parker, Climate Focus
Donee Alexander, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves