Webinar: Cookstoves for Productive Use
On March 16, 2017 Winrock International and the U.S. EPA hosted a webinar titled “Cookstoves for Productive Uses”. In the cookstoves sector, much attention is appropriately paid to household-level cooking. But open fires and rudimentary biomass cookstoves are also used widely for entrepreneurial activities. Cleaner and more efficient cookstoves for these commercial applications can result in improved working conditions, higher profit margins, better quality products, and reduced environmental impacts. This webinar featured Julie Gaston from Initiative Développement, Adam Creighton from Institutional Stove Solutions (InStove) and Benedicta Avega from SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, who presented examples and shared case studies of productive use cookstove projects in Ghana and Comoros.
You can view the full recording of the event HERE. Questions and Answers from the webinar and the presentation slides are available in PDF format below.