Webinar: Easier, faster, cleaner—and expensive? Perspectives of Guatemalan stakeholders on LPG for cooking
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves in partnership with the Public Health Institute (PHI) is pleased to offer another opportunity for partners to participate in a live webinar that presents highlights from recent LPG market studies in Guatemala and the implications for market growth. On Thursday, April 20 at 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), presenters will discuss key motivators for cooking with LPG among urban and peri-urban consumers, as well as critical factors for engaging businesses and workers in employer-sponsored LPG programs. Presenters will also address strategic interventions identified by the LPG sector to strengthen demand for their product. These studies were conducted with support from PHI. This webinar, designed for new and existing partners, is part of a series that provides an overview of the Alliance’s work, the benefits of partnership, highlights, upcoming opportunities for partners, and features on specific tools, resources, and engagement activities.
Date/Time: Thursday, April 20th, 10:00 AM US EDT
Register for the webinar: Please click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In the advent of connectivity issues, please refer to this same email to click on a link that provides a list of international dial-in numbers.
Agenda: The first 5 minutes of the webinar will familiarize partners with the work of the Alliance. Current partners are encouraged to listen in to learn about new programs, resources, and events that may be of interest
The next 40 minutes will discuss the main presentation.
The remaining 15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A.
Maryse Labriet, Director, Eneris Consultants
Michelle Bashin, Program Director, Public Health Institute
Richard Grinnell, Regional Director of Market Development, Latin America, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Julie Ipe, Senior Manager for Market Insight and Behavior Change, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Kavanaugh Livingston, Senior Program Associate, Partnerships, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
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