WEBINAR: Key Factors Influencing Adoption
Do you want to learn more about which characteristics of technologies, fuels and households have been shown to affect adoption of cleaner, more efficient cookstoves and fuels? Have you wondered about the extent to which financing, market development or government regulation and standards affect household energy technology uptake? If so, register today for the Winrock and U.S. EPA-organized webinar “Key Factors Influencing Adoption” taking place next Thursday, November 21st at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Dr. Elisa Puzzolo from the World Health Organization and Dr. Debbi Stanistreet from The University of Liverpool will present findings from the recently released systematic review “Factors influencing the large-scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies.” This review describes and assesses the importance of different enabling and limiting factors that have been found to influence the large-scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies. These comprise 5 intervention areas: improved solid fuel cookstoves (ICS) and 4 clean fuels, i.e., liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biogas, solar cookers and alcohol fuels. In total the review selected 101 eligible studies across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Findings draw on experience from some large-scale programs including the Indian and Chinese national improved stove programs, the national mega-conversion from kerosene to LPG in Indonesia and the Brazilian LPG experience, but mainly stem from much smaller-scale projects and initiatives.
Webinar participation is free. For the web portion, a high-speed internet connection is required. A dedicated phone line is required to listen to audio (the web portion does not include audio capacity). Additional log-in and call-in information will be provided upon registration.
Register today to interact with Dr. Puzzolo and Dr. Stanistreet as they present findings from ICS and clean fuel programs and share recommendations for increasing large-scale adoption.
For more information on this webinar, please contact moderator@cookstovesandindoorair.org