Webinar: Social Media Tools for Energy Access Practitioners — Featuring Facebook
The United Nations Foundation's Energy Access Practitioner Network, in partnership with the Clean Energy Solutions Center and Facebook, is hosting a no-cost, webinar-based training to showcase how energy service providers and practitioners can effectively use social media tools, in particular the Facebook platform, to increase the reach of their energy access work.
The United Nations Foundation works to help tackle global issues including energy access, climate change, poverty eradication, and women's empowerment. UNF considers digital media to be an essential tool in communicating with target audiences — the 17 campaigns and initiatives that comprise the UN Foundation have a digital reach of nearly 3 million individuals around the world. The UN Foundation and the Energy Access Practitioner Network use social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ to educate, inspire, and activate.
Facebook's goal is to make the world more open and connected. Organizations can use Facebook to educate supporters, inspire advocacy and put people the general public at the center of the issues they care most about. Currently, 1.49 billion people are monthly active users on Facebook, with 1.31 billion accessing via mobile. Many energy access practitioners already use Facebook as a productivity tool, for example using Messenger to communicate internally with remote colleagues, using Pages to run campaigns, and more. But did you know that running an ad campaign in developing countries can also be cost-effective in boosting product sales and reaching new customers? In addition, Facebook as a work tool can offset many operational expenses such as communications, marketing, and web development.
In this webinar, the United Nations Foundation will provide basic media training encompassing Google hangouts, Twitter chats, and other resources applicable to energy practitioners. Participants will then learn the top tricks from Facebook employees on how to utilize the Facebook platform, as well as learn about Facebook's internet.org initiative, which is bringing together technology leaders, nonprofits, and local communities to connect the two-thirds of the world that does not have internet access.
- Justine Sullivan, Producer, Digital Media, Climate and Energy Initiatives, Public Affairs, United Nations Foundation will introduce UN Foundation's expertise and use of social media concerning energy issues, and provide basic social media training.
- Aneri Patel, Energy Access Program Manager, Facebook will present top tips on Pages, Groups, and Messenger, as well as share case studies from energy access practitioners.
- Shaunt Attarian, Sustainability Analyst, Facebook will share insights on running an ad campaign and how to reach customers through mobile ads, as well as running a demo.
- Jennifer Fong, Strategic Partner Manager, Facebook will provide an overview on internet.org and how to get involved.
The presentations will be followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience. If you have any questions or tips you would like to see the panelists address, send us your comments via Twitter ahead of the webinar using #PNwebinar.
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For more information.
About the Clean Energy Solutions Center
The Solutions Center, an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial, helps governments and policy experts design and implement clean energy policies by providing no-cost expert assistance, training, policy reports, data, and tools. To learn more about the Solutions Center and how it can assist in meeting countries' clean energy policy objectives, please visit cleanenergysolutions.org and follow us on social media.