Webinar: Using Mobile CRM and SMS to Coordinate Clean Cookstove Activities
A look at how Proyecto Mirador uses mobile solutions to enhance its stove program.
This webinar will highlight how TaroWorks, Mogli SMS, and Salesforce.com provide a holistic system for managing field activities and reporting.
Using wood-burning stoves in the Honduran highland has led to forest reduction in many areas. Without nearby resources, women and children have had to travel farther and farther out to reach firewood. To both prevent forest degradation and help families save time and effort, Proyecto Mirador has provided over 130,000 clean cookstoves throughout Honduras and reduced carbon emissions by nearly a million tonnes to date. Built with local materials by microentrepreneurs, the clean cookstoves are increasingly effecting positive local results.
Proyecto Mirador is a leader in carbon reduction auditing, and is able to get this data in large part because of its Salesforce.com platform and mobile tools.