World Food Day 2024
The world’s farmers produce enough food to feed more than the global population yet, hunger persists. Up to 783 million people face hunger due to conflict, repeated weather shocks and economic downturns. This impacts the poor and vulnerable most severely, many of whom are agricultural households, reflecting widening inequalities across and within countries.
Food is the third most basic human need after air and water – everyone should have the right to adequate food. Human rights such as the right to food, life and liberty, work and education are recognised by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and two legally binding international covenants.
As a global community, we all need to get involved. Governments, the private sector, farmers, academia, civil society and individuals need to work together to ensure all people have access to enough diverse, nutritious and safe foods. We all have a role to play to tackle inequality and poverty, make healthy food choices to increase their availability, reduce food waste and protect the environment.
To learn more, click here.