Request for Proposal: Supply of Improved Cooking Stoves in the Eastern Province of Rwanda (Batch 2)
Request for Proposal (RFP)
This public contract is a framework supply contract. This framework public supply contract consists in “The supply of improved cooking Stoves (ICS) in the eastern province of Rwanda – Batch 2,” in conformity with the conditions of these tender specifications. CPV code: 37414600-9. The public contract has 4 lots, each of which is indivisible. The tenderer may submit a tender for one lot, several or all of the 4 lots. A tender for part of a lot is inadmissible.
The lots are:
- Lot 1: locally produced fixed improved mud cooking stove, with a thermal efficiency superior or equal to (≥) 30%
- Lot 2: locally mobile efficient which at least between 30% (not less) and 35% (Max) efficiency. and Improved cooking stove should be accommodating both wood and crop residues
- Lot 3: locally produced high efficient mobile improve cooking stove between 35% (not less) and 42% (Max) efficiency, and should be accommodating mainly wood
- Lot 4: locally produced, very high efficient mobile improved cooking stove of superior or equal to (≥) 42% efficiency, accommodating mainly wood
Evaluation Criteria
- Having at least two (2) years of experience in the field of supply of improved cooking stove either for public or private entities or for individuals (to be verified from the company profile or list of previous supply/ performance)
- Demonstrating their financial and economic capacity by a total turn-over for the last 3 years of at least the value of the lot (s) for which he is tendering (with regards to maximum estimated quantities)
Having manufactured and sold/supplied at least 1,000 ICS (regardless of the model) in last 5 years, demonstrated/proven by:
- Related certificate(s) of good completion in case it was for supply service contract(s) to public or private entities, or any other relevant documents (invoice, receipt) toprove these experiences if it was for individuals
- The extract of audited accounting showing the number of ICS sold in case of direct selling to individual clients
Only tenders from tenderers who meet the selection criteria are taken into consideration in order to participate in the comparison of tenders on the basis of the award criteria set out below, subject to the regularity of these tenders
To learn more and apply, click here.