Request for Quotations: A Review of Carbon Market Dynamics
Simultaneously, however, the attractiveness of clean cooking interventions to the voluntary carbon market have begun to accelerate. This is of course strongly connected to the post-Paris growth of the offset industry which is on track to achieve 1bn USD in transactions in 2021 Further, the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM) estimated the potential increase of carbon credits by factor of 15 (or more) by 2030 (and even by factor 100 by 2050) which could translate into a market value for carbon credits of 50bn+ USD in 2030.
An increasing number of clean cooking sector actors have recognised that the growth of the voluntary market provides significant (and yet largely untapped) financing potential for the modern energy cooking market.
MECS is seeking a consultant/s to conduct a reflective analysis of the key likely dynamics of the role of carbon finance within the clean cooking sector over the next 5 years (to end 2027).
Quotations should be received no later than 23:59 BST on Tuesday 23rd August 2022.
The full RFQ is available here: