TOR for Business Plan Development Consultant to Work with Regional Testing and Knowledge Centers
The market for testing services in the clean cooking sector is growing and evolving. Grant support for Regional Testing and Knowledge Centers (RTKCs) will likely decrease over time, with more revenue from clients paying for testing services. Donors, investors, and governments are establishing policy requirements for testing. Enterprises involved in stove and fuel production will need third-party testing of their products to meet policy requirements as well as to conduct their own planning. Frequent testing is critical to ensure consistent stove and fuel quality over time. In order to achieve sustainability at a testing center, they will need to understand this landscape and their potential clients and to optimize their plans to achieve sustainability of their organization.
This Terms of Reference (TOR) is for a consultant to develop an in-depth long term business plan with 3 RTKCs. Based on the results of working with 3 RTKCs, the consultant will also prepare training materials and conduct a broader training for all RTKCs to help their planning to achieve sustainability.
Submit proposals to Ranyee Chiang, Director of Standards, Technology and Fuels ( by March 13, 2015.