Building Better Market Infrastructure, Tools, and Norms

A component of CCA’s Catalytic Finance Accelerator

Reducing transaction costs by making it easier to access insights, evidence, and research, and increasing productivity through platforms, toolkits, and challenges. 

Curated market intelligence and data

Reducing transaction costs by making it easier to access insights, evidence, and research.

CCA is responsible for the following research: 

  • Outcome Buyers Landscape Insights​: Outlining buyer decision journeys, mapping stakeholders in the outcome buyer landscape, and documenting the social value of externalities from transitioning to cleaner fuels and appliances. 
  • Outcome Seller Landscape Insights​: Establishing a clear strategy to improve the capacity of outcome sellers through program support activities. 
  • Landscape Research on Responsible Carbon Finance: Creating rules and standards among carbon and clean cooking market players. 
  • Industry Snapshot: Informing stakeholders on the latest aggregate macro trends relating to clean cooking companies, such as investment and revenues. 
  • Clean Cooking RBF Key Design Principles​: Compiling case studies to document lessons that have emerged from early RBF programs and assist with the design of future clean cooking RBFs. 
  • Case studies of business innovations: Profiling successful business model innovations, products, and approaches that have been pioneered by clean cooking companies. 
  • Case studies of successful investment exits: Profiling instances where clean cooking equity investors have exited from a clean cooking company having made a return from their initial investments. 
  • Case-studies of productive failures: Profiling cases where companies, programs, or projects directly related to clean cooking have not turned out as originally planned, so that others can openly learn from mistakes and apply the lessons going forward. 
  • Country policy profiles: Profiling countries with high-deficit clean cooking access numbers, outlining their clean cooking policies, and listing the companies that are present there. 

More generally, CCA can quickly mobilize to conduct tailor-made research and produce bespoke insights for stakeholders. 

Market-facing tools

Increasing productivity for stakeholders through platforms, toolkits, and challenges.

CCA is shaping the following tools: 

  • Digital Innovation Challenge: Stimulating the discovery of innovative digital solutions in at least three countries in Africa and Asia. The challenge is co-designed with UNCDF and seeks to increase the accuracy and transparency of clean cooking impacts through digital innovation, as well as reducing the costs associated with access to finance. 
  • Digital Investor and Funder Platform: Stimulating and supporting investor, donor, and outcome buyer interest in clean cooking. The platform will share aggregated investment data, as well as knowledge and resources on ventures and countries that investors and funders are interested in.  
  • RBF Digital Platform: Making it easier for RBF practitioners and other stakeholders to get a more detailed understanding of the landscape of RBFs in the clean cooking sector. 

Good practices and methodologies

Informing the norms that drive decision-making.

CCA is driving the following practices: 

  • Unit Economics Framework​: Generating a toolkit to model unit costs and revenues for different fuel archetypes, support RBF design, and enable benchmarking of clean cooking companies. 
  • Self-assessment tool: Promoting consumer protection principles for clean cooking markets.