Standards provide rigorous definitions and goals for stove and fuel performance, including for efficiency, emissions, safety, and durability. Standards and associated performance targets provide a foundation for national policies, support donor and investment decisions, and drive manufacturers to improve their technologies.
The best available international guidelines for stoves and fuels are being developed through an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) consensus process. ISO Technical Committee 285 is the key body that is developing and approving standards in the field of cookstoves and clean cooking solutions. This committee comprises experts from 44 countries around the world and eight international organizations. This page has information on how to get involved, as well as how to participate as a Technical Committee 285 expert.
To date, Technical Committee 285 has published four deliverables: a standard on laboratory testing covering performance, safety, and durability (ISO 19867-1), a technical report on voluntary performance targets for cookstoves (ISO/TR 19867-3), a standard on field-testing methods (ISO 19869), and a technical report on vocabulary for the clean cooking sector (ISO/TR 21276). Additional standards and related reports are under development. Standards affect all types of organizations in the clean cooking sector. Participating in standards development allows organizations and countries to share their experiences and priorities, which makes standards more valuable and relevant. CCA encourages organizations to join the standards development process to improve standards so they are more rigorous, consistent, and clear.