Where We Work
Country participation in the Alliance has grown markedly in the Initiative’s first four years. From an initial base of three donor countries and three national partners at our September 2010 launch, the Alliance now has more than 50 donor and implementing national partners. Government entities from this strong base of national stakeholders, are deeply committed to the development of a thriving market for clean, safe, and efficient cookstoves and fuels, both within their borders and regionally, and have made collaboration with the Alliance a national priority. Further, these countries’ engagement forms the core of the Alliance’s efforts to develop sustainable and comprehensive local, national, and regional clean cooking policies and programs in keeping with our 10-Year Strategic Roadmap.
After a thorough evaluation process in 2011, the Alliance prioritized six initial focus countries for immediate engagement during Phase I (2011–2014) including Bangladesh, China, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. The Alliance selected Guatemala and India as additional focus countries in 2014, and additional countries may be named as focus countries in the future as resources allow. The Alliance has worked closely with leading sector stakeholders in each of our eight focus countries to develop robust country action plans (CAPs) which identify intervention options, detail partner commitments, and highlight areas for potential Alliance and stakeholder engagement in each country.
The Alliance continues to consult with and provide technical assistance, targeted resources, and partner toolkits to national stakeholders in partner countries such as Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, and Tanzania. In addition, with some exceptions, Alliance funding opportunities are open to qualified stakeholders operating in the broader range of Alliance partner countries, and we work with national counterparts, local alliances, and clean cooking stakeholders to develop a thriving market for clean cooking solutions.