How do we define and measure adoption?
A working framework for the clean cooking sector
The Alliance held a working session during the Clean Cooking Forum in Ghana on Nov. 11, 2015 to finalize the adoption indicators drafted at the Adoption Workshop held earlier this year in Peru.
Key stakeholders came together to review a working definition of adoption and sustained adoption, review proposed core indicators, provide feedback and discuss potential measurement approaches. The working definitions and proposed core indicators originated from the collaborative work done during a workshop on adoption in Peru earlier in the year to draft a list of recommended indicators of adoption. Participants agreed on 5 core areas of adoption to measure: the clean cooking technology meets the user's needs, user is willing to pay/invest in maintenance and repair, the intensity of use of the clean cooking technology, the degree of traditional stove replacement and the user is willing to pay/invest in the sustained use of the clean cooking technology over time.
These core areas of measurement are the result of a series of efforts led by the Alliance to collaboratively define and measure adoption. The working session at the Clean Cooking Forum in Ghana was preceded by a publically released report from the adoption workshop in Peru, a public webinar on the recommended adoption indicators list and a public comment period. Feedback and input from stakeholders since have enabled the Alliance to incorporate the core areas of measurement and their indicators into a practical framework for stakeholders to use to measure adoption. The next step is to develop easy to use approaches for interested stakeholders and partners to use to better evaluate the data collected using these indicators.
The framework is linked to the left. Because the targets for each indicator will vary depending on the impact area of interest (health, environment, livelihoods, market penetration, etc.) and depending on the technology in use and stacking scenario within each household surveyed, they are not included in the framework to allow for user customization. The Alliance continues to welcome feedback to allow for continuous improvement of the framework. Please send any feedback to