Partner Spotlight: Ghana Energy Commission
As a strong supporter of clean cooking to further Ghana’s energy access, sustainable development, and climate goals, the Energy Commission Ghana (Commission) has been partnering with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, and a consortium of stakeholders, including the Ghana Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GHACCO), the Ministries of Energy, Trade, Environment, Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, the Ghana Health Service, local enterprises, multilateral organizations, and other local organizations to increase access to clean cooking energy in Ghana. Over 70% of Ghana’s population relies on solid fuel – particularly wood-based sources – and inefficient cookstoves. As Ghana’s clean cookstoves and fuels sector continues to develop and strengthen, the Government of Ghana is increasingly looking to leverage market-based solutions to address the impacts of household air pollution that result from traditional cooking.
The Commission plays a critical role in facilitating access to affordable, efficient, and clean energy. The Commission promotes the social and economic well-being of the people of Ghana through regulating and managing the development and use of the country’s energy resources.
Through the work of the Commission and other actors, Ghana is advancing measurable progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Commission’s Technical Director Dr. Nii Darko Asante was pleased to provide an overview of the impact of the Commission’s work, which was presented by the Alliance at a side-event at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. The Commission supported efforts to mitigate forest degradation and deforestation through increasing the adoption of more efficient cooking solutions. Through these interventions, women and their families saw improved health and reduced hours spent on collecting cooking fuel.
The Commission, in partnership with other agencies, has been leading Ghana’s ambitious energy and national development policies. By supporting clean cooking as a mainstreamed intervention into the broader global development agenda, Ghana is helping to directly deliver gains across 10 of the 17 SDGs, and contribute to an enabling environment for achieving the entire Agenda 2030. The Commission’s Executive Secretary Dr. Alfred K. Ofosu Ahenkorah describes the importance of partnerships to achieve sustainable development by building healthier household energy markets, “Ghana’s experience demonstrates that efforts to further the cross-cutting impact of energy access and to improve livelihood, health, gender, and environmental outcomes must be done in concert with a diverse range of stakeholders. For example, it was through working with partners, including the Alliance, that our nation of Ghana has become a model for the rest of the African clean cooking sector by advancing cookstove and fuel labelling efforts. In collaboration with the Ghana Standards Authority, our efforts are aimed at helping consumers make better and more informed household energy decisions, helping to further spur sustainable development and empowerment in our country.”
The Energy Commission values the work of its partners in our shared goal to transform the energy opportunities of Ghana’s citizens. Stakeholders can learn more about the Energy Commission at