Alliance-supported “Upgrade to Gas” campaign launches in Nigeria
Alliance partner Africare kicked off a community outreach campaign as part of an Alliance-supported behavior change communication (BCC) intervention in Nigeria to increase the use of cleaner, more efficient cookstoves and fuels.
The campaign, which is being driven by outreach workers recruited from local communities, will include home visits and community demonstrations in peri-urban areas of Lagos and Abuja to disseminate information about LPG and educate households on why they should make the switch to gas for cooking.
Africare’s work is part of a broader, multi-channel campaign implemented in partnership with McCann Global Health, which will also include radio programming, social media, and an innovative five-part web series that will launch in early September. More details on the campaign can be found here.
The design of the intervention builds from extensive research with the target audience and inputs from the LPG sector in Nigeria.
McCann Global Health and Africare were awarded support via the Alliance’s Clean Cooking BCC Fund, and are part of a portfolio of grants aimed at using communication to motivate households to purchase and adopt cleaner cooking solutions.