Two Funding Opportunities for Sustainable Energy Are Open
The Alliance would like to share the following funding opportunities that may be of interest to our partners. The Ashden Awards and Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) are each offering opportunities to support clean cookstoves and fuels projects and further information may be found:
Ashden 2015, is Seeking Applicants for Green Energy Awards
The Ashden Awards is seeking entries for its 2015 International Awards. Ashden wants to hear from trailblazing sustainable energy enterprises and programs from the developing world that are increasing access to sustainable energy and improving lives while protecting the environment. Entry to the awards is free, up to six winners will receive awards worth up to £40,000 to be presented at a prestigious ceremony in London on June 11, 2015.
NEFCO 2nd Call for Proposals
The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), an international financial institution established by the five Nordic countries to support climate projects across the world, is inviting Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project participants to submit proposals for delivery of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) from registered and commissioned CDM projects and Programs of Activities (PoAs) that are vulnerable to the current low CER prices. The Letter of Invitation and the Guidelines for this joint NorCaP/NeCF Call for Proposals will be published at on October 7, 2014, along with the opening of the on-line application system. Proponents have until November 27, 2014 to submit their proposals.
For more information: