China Pilot Projects & Workshop Set the Stage for Deeper Collaboration
The Alliance co-hosted a cookstoves South-South training workshop with China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). 45 government officials from over 20 developing countries attended the workshop and learned China’s stoves experience in policy planning and government initiatives. Representatives from selected stove companies shared Chinese clean cooking technologies in solar cooker, biomass stoves and biomass pellets and briquettes. Participants also discussed with the Chinese government opportunities for strengthening collaborations between the South countries.
Alliance COO Brian Smith and Country Manager Jichong Wu were joined by Ministry of Agriculture officials for site visits to three of Alliance-MOA pilot projects in Henan, Chongqing and Gansu provinces. Stakeholders meetings were held in villages with local government officials, stove producers and consumers to discuss the work plans and consumers’ feedback. A kick-off ceremony was held in Yuzhong County of Gansu province attended by over 100 villagers. The villagers were excited to participate in the pilot program and happy to see the new stoves displayed during the ceremony.