Dear Friends,
As the year comes to a close, I wanted to thank you for your engagement and interest in the clean cooking sector. On behalf of the entire Clean Cooking Alliance, we remain deeply appreciative of your support and grateful that you continue to champion the importance of clean cooking.
As you know, I joined the Clean Cooking Alliance as the new CEO in late April 2018, and it’s been an inspiring, humbling, and busy few months. Just this fall, I’ve visited partners in China, Kenya, and Rwanda, and participated in the Global Climate Action Summit and the WHO’s First Conference on Air Pollution and Health. The Alliance co-hosted with partners our first Clean Cooking Investment Forum, which convened over 250 business leaders, investors, donors, and government representatives from over 40 countries to collaborate on the development of a global and sustainable clean cooking industry at scale. In October, the Alliance also revealed its new name, logo, and messaging (alongside a new public service announcement video from Alliance Champion Julia Roberts). We will continue this strategic communications effort into 2019 to further elevate the issue and urgency of clean cooking.
Stay tuned!
For now, my sincere thanks again for your support of the clean cooking sector and your engagement with the Alliance, and a very happy holiday to you and yours.